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Emotional Intelligence
Personalized guidance report
Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize our feelings and those of others, motivating ourselves and managing emotions effectively in ourselves and others. This quiz focused on four areas and twelve competencies related to them. Levels of Emotional Intelligence are measured by:
Self-Awareness: recognizing our own emotions.
Self-Management: effectively managing our own emotions.
Social Awareness: recognizing the emotions of others.
Relationship Management: applying our understanding of emotions to our dealings with others.
The following graphic is based on your responses and reveals insights into your emotional intelligence.
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Self-Awareness is the ability to be aware of our emotions.
Emotional Awareness
Emotional Awareness is the ability to recognize our emotions, differentiate among different ones, and understand the impact of emotions. Other people might understand and experience emotions differently than you do. Also, you might trigger emotions in others, so being sensitive to this possibility will help you communicate more effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate you are highly tuned to your emotions. You are aware of and can recognize and identify the emotion you are experiencing. You understand that one can experience a range of emotions. You can also understand why you feel a particular emotion at a given time. You are also aware of your reactions to these emotions and understand that thoughts drive your feelings. You can use your understanding of your emotions to guide your actions. Your awareness of your emotions helps you connect with your feelings when interacting with others in personal and professional relationships. For example, you can use your emotional awareness to guide your decisions and interactions with friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances. In addition, this awareness helps you predict your reactions to people or situations, which may help you respond more effectively or remove yourself from situations you are not ready to handle in personal and social settings or at Work.
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Self-Management is your ability to manage your emotions effectively.
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Emotional self-control
Emotional Self-control is the ability to keep emotions under control. Other people might be influenced by emotions more or less than you. Understanding other individuals' levels of self-control can help you communicate with them more effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you may sometimes be in control of your emotions. You are not always able to immediately realize when emotions start taking control. You can sometimes control your reactions and behavior but not always. You may, at times, find ways to calm yourself. You may sometimes focus on the thoughts running through your mind and try to change the negative thoughts to positive ones to handle your emotions better. However, you cannot always identify the reason behind your emotions and use that awareness to help you control them effectively. Your ability to control emotions can sometimes help you be objective in understanding people and perspectives, but not always, especially during an emotionally charged situation or personal emotional crisis. It can sometimes help you objectively understand perspectives to make good decisions. As you are sometimes aware that emotions can impact behavior, you may sometimes, but not always, tend to hold back before reacting during heated arguments or a stressful situation. For example, you can help cool off from a heated argument and get back to constructive discussions. Sometimes, but not always, you have an insight into the root cause of emotions, which can help you change negative thoughts to positive ones and help you handle different perspectives. By further increasing your emotional self-control, you will be able to see the person as a whole and not just in the context of the argument. In work situations, you can reevaluate positions and take appropriate steps.
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Achievement Orientation
Achievement Orientation is our desire to meet or exceed a standard of excellence. Other people might seek achievement more or less than you, and understanding other individuals' achievement orientation will help you better understand how they manage themselves.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that challenges and goals do not drive you. You rarely set goals or challenges for yourself. You may work on a goal but are unlikely to exceed expectations. You may need to push yourself toward achieving your goals, as motivating yourself is difficult. You do not think about managing your performance and may require someone to set goals for you. Your desire to achieve goals and conquer challenges is unlikely to impact your relationships. However, increasing your level of drive could help you at work. You can achieve success, recognition, and satisfaction when you take calculated risks and set challenging goals to achieve them.
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Positive Outlook
A Positive Outlook is an ability to look positively at situations, problems, stress, self, and others. Other people may have a more or less optimistic view than you. Understanding other individuals' approaches will help you understand their perspectives and communicate effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you are sometimes positive in your approach to and interpretation of events. You often look at the bright side of things and can help others think and stay positive. You can sometimes but not always, look at life events or daily occurrences positively. You can sometimes have a positive outlook toward stressful things, which can help you interpret events and comments from friends, family, colleagues, and others in a positive light. A more optimistic approach would positively impact your relationships and work and help you better deal with your colleagues to pursue goals despite setbacks. In addition, a more positive outlook can help you stay optimistic in times of emotional turmoil and upbeat in times of uncertainty.
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Adaptability is openness to change and flexibility to adapt to change. Other people might be impacted by change more or less than you. Understanding other individuals' levels of adaptability and flexibility will help you understand their perspective, empathize, and learn.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you are uncomfortable with change. You do not like transitions and reworking priorities. You become perturbed during times of uncertainty and pressure. You may find it challenging to understand the need for change. You are not comfortable with change. Openness to adapting and being flexible will help your relationships and work. Adjusting to others' needs and accommodating changes is usually difficult and disturbing. By becoming more adaptable and flexible, you will be able to deal effectively with changes in life circumstances and daily routines. It will also help you adjust to new situations, work, and colleagues.
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Social Awareness
Social Awareness is the ability to recognize emotions in others.
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Empathy is understanding others' feelings and perspectives as if they were yours. Other people may be more or less empathetic than you. Understanding other individuals' empathy levels will help you communicate and interact with them more effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you can sometimes understand others' feelings and perspectives. You try to help people feel heard, listen to people's concerns, and lend an empathetic ear. You can sometimes empathize with friends, family, colleagues, and others. You can sometimes understand the feelings, perspectives, and non-verbal signals of others, but not always. Increasing your levels of empathy can help others feel heard — whether friends, family, or colleagues. In addition, empathy is a great skill to have as a team member, manager, and leader. So, learning to enhance this skill is essential.
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Organizational Awareness
Organizational Awareness is the ability to read a group's emotional dynamics and power relationships. Other people might be more or less aware of group dynamics than you. Understanding other individuals' sensitivity to emotions in a group can help you understand their perspectives and reactions, which will help you work with groups more effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you can often identify the prevailing emotion in a group. You can sometimes also decipher the power play of emotions among group members. You can sometimes but not always, identify the influencers and networks in the group. At times, you are aware of group dynamics, which can help you understand the relationships among people and work well with colleagues. For example, you can use your understanding of team dynamics to understand your colleagues, interact with them successfully, and negotiate more effectively. In addition, increased awareness can help you identify networks and help resolve conflicts and manage others.
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Relationship Management
Relationship Management involves applying your understanding of emotions when dealing with others.
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Influence is the ability to persuade others. Other people may be more or less influential than you. So, understanding other individuals' influencing skills may help you better understand their interactions and influence on others.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you can persuade others to agree with your viewpoints. You understand your impact on others and can use it to convince, inspire, and win them over. You can influence others, and this skill can help with your relationships and at work. For example, you can gain support for a social initiative, a common cause in the community, a family event, or a friend's get-together. You can gain support for initiatives and attract a group of allies, mentors, and supporters. In addition, you can convince people to agree with your viewpoints and get people to work on activities and projects that align with your vision.
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Coaching And Mentoring
Emotional intelligence relating to coaching and mentoring is the interest in helping others hone their skills and abilities. Other people might be better or worse at coaching and mentoring than you. Understanding other individuals' interests in coaching and mentoring can help you contemplate how you want to interact with the person.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you are not interested in guiding others. This lack of interest could be because you do not like it or may not have found an opportunity to do it. You don't seem interested in being a guide or a mentor, and you probably have not considered it a role you would enjoy. Increasing your interest in guiding and mentoring could help you with your relationships and work. For example, you could guide your friends and family to achieve their goals. By developing this interest, you would find ways to guide or mentor others and provide support during their journey.
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Conflict Management
Conflict Management is the ability to de-escalate and resolve conflicts. Other people might manage conflicts more or less effectively than you. Understanding how others manage conflicts will help you think, analyze, and process conflicts more effectively.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you find making decisions stressful, especially when choosing between options — desirable or undesirable. You find evaluating pros and cons and making decisions stressful and would like to avoid doing so or allow others to do it for you. Such activities cause stress, helplessness, and avoidance in you. You are keen to avoid conflicts and disagreements. However, life events are not ideal, and resolving disputes is helpful in your relationships and at work. An increased interest in managing conflicts will help you develop this ability to increase understanding and cooperation between friends and family members. It can also help you improve collaboration with colleagues and between work teams, enabling you to resolve issues among them and create a bond. In addition, developing your ability to understand different perspectives and find acceptable solutions will help you manage conflicts.
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Inspirational Leadership
Inspirational Leadership is a style that inspires and guides others. Others might be adopting a leadership style that is more or less inspirational than yours. Understanding other individuals' leadership styles can help you understand others and potentially improve your style.
Your personal guidance
Your responses indicate that you prefer to explain specific tasks than inspire others to do their work. You may be wary of trusting others. Stressful situations often take a toll on you and may make you unable to perform well at work. You tend to believe that learning should happen in isolation. You don't seem to find value in motivating or influencing others. You like to be practical and task-oriented. Increasing your interest in being a leader who inspires and guides others will help you personally and at work. Motivating and influencing your loved ones, friends, family, and colleagues is fulfilling. If you can gain others' trust and influence them, you can guide them toward any goal they set for themselves or toward a common goal or vision.