
$ 100
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Our free resources have helped over 500,000 people make informed choices about their careers, interpersonal relationships, and life goals.
Your donation will support the platform that enriches people's lives and provides lifelong learning opportunities. The Foundation for Talent Transformation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; donations are tax-deductible.
How your donation will help
Here are some ways we use contributions:
Development and maintenance of the platform, quizzes, and resources to keep them up-to-date and user-friendly
Continuous improvement of the platform's features and effectiveness
Marketing and outreach to engage under-served, underprivileged, and under-resourced individuals and groups
Donations sustain our mission to help individuals understand themselves, others, and their paths to success. We sincerely appreciate your support. Thank you.

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Hey, I’m Erica 👋 I’m ready for you to ask me anything!